When is the last time you listened to a webinar, read a blog or heard a podcast?
I mean really listened… to the whole thing AND walked away feeling good about learning something?
Have you noticed that sometimes exposing yourself to new information can have a reverse effect? Instead of feeling enriched and empowered, you might feel overwhelmed and frustrated! All that learning without enough application tends to only emphasize what we are NOT accomplishing.
Information without implementation only creates to do list that linger in your mind making you feel like you are not good enough or just can't get things done!
Does this sound familiar?
I want better for you. No matter where you are in personal or professional development, the key to growth is to focus on progress not perfection. There are a million and one wonderful things you can do to grow your business, but no matter how skilled of a multi-tasker you are…you cannot do them all today.
So…here are five approaches to learn new things that can help you stay encouraged, inspired and growing:
1. Control the Flow.
Consider creating a learning cue, a parking lot where information, organized by topic sits ready to go when you are. Make the choice to learn at the speed of implementation. Learn, then implement, then come back and learn some more. What is the point of gorging yourself with more information than you are actually ready to use? Only put on your plate what you are ready for. Trust that the information you need will be there for you when the time is right.
2. Choose Wisely
Although there are LOTS of interesting things to explore, focus on learning about things that you are really ready to implement. Mastering this requires that you start with self awareness. Take time to identify what information and insight you need to know right now that will help you achieve your immediate goals. Don’t overwhelm yourself with random knowledge. Focus.
3. Prepare Yourself
Go into it knowing what you want to get out of it. Consider your current knowledge base on the topic and think of the gaps in information you are seeking to fill. Is there an area of confusion this information can clear up? Is there an approach you think might accelerate your results? Be on the lookout for how any incoming information can really help move you forward right now.
4. Create Action Plans
Create layers in your learning by connecting the dots. Draw connections between what you are learning now and what you have already learned before. This is how you can really deepen your knowledge and become ninja in making things happen in your business. Armed with the accumulated experience and new information, you can develop your own custom action plan. Listen with an ear toward creating step by step plans of how you can implement what you are learning. This is a great way to use new information to get you from where you are now to where you want to go.
5. Journal to capture valuable insights.
Make the experience relevant to you personally by drawing connections to your own life. Think about how life would be different once you have mastered whatever you are learning. What feelings come up for you as you listening? Focusing on the process rather than the outcome makes for a richer experience. Too often we don’t take time for personal reflection. If you make reflection a regular part of your process, you will develop the emotional resilience you need to take care of yourself while you are on this entrepreneurial journey.
Want to really impress yourself?
Be someone that takes fast action on what you are learning.
Hold yourself accountable to getting results and seeing things through to completion.
This will increase your sense of being competent and confident for the next time you approach learning something new. Personal development is the secret weapon to success. When you are open and approach learning with a sense of adventure, you can expand your horizons and learn so many new things.