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Frequently Asked Questions
HOW DO I KNOW THAT PRACTICE PROS IS A GOOD FIT FOR ME? WHAT IF I AM NOT NEW TO PRIVATE PRACTICE?Practice Pros is created to be a step by step guide for growing your practice from 0 to 5K a month. If you are not yet making 5K a month in your business, Practice Pros is a great place to start. We will review all of the systems, core choices and practice development strategies needed to build the right infrastructure for future growth. Perhaps there are some things that you missed as you have been growing. This program will identify those gaps and fill them so that you are positioned for long term success.
WHAT IF I HAVEN’T STARTED MY OWN PRIVATE PRACTICE, YET?If you haven’t started your private practice just yet, this is a great first step! We’ll cover everything from insurance claims to client attraction. You won’t have to muddle your way through the basics alone. We’re happy to join you on your journey!
DO YOU ACCEPT STUDENTS ON A ROLLING BASIS?Yes. This program is available on a rolling basis, accepting students as apply.
WHY ARE YOU RECORDING ALL OF OUR CALLS?It is important to me that you are fully present for the coaching session. If you are trying to take notes or remember something that was said your mind will be distracted. Also, folks are always asking me to repeat something…and the truth is I can’t! Once we have said something magical its best to have it recorded so you can go back for reference. Rest assured that for private coaching, no one will have access to your recorded calls but you and my team. For small group coaching, only paying members of Practice Pros will have access to recorded calls.
ARE YOUR COURSES MOSTLY VIDEOS?We understand! Most times those self help video courses become shelf help. We ensure that all coaching programs have access to live interactive coaching. You will be able to ask questions, get feedback, learn through conversation and experience either small group support or direct interactions with Samara. Most of our programs rely on live calls and coaching so that you can celebrate and course correct in real time. Our mini courses, however, are solely video resources.
IS SAMARA JUST A COACH OR DOES SHE HAVE A MENTAL HEALTH BIZ?Samara is a coach and owns a group practice. She’s helped run her practice since 2005 in Towson, MD
WHERE CAN I SCHEDULE MY CALL? ALL I SEE IS A LINK TO THE NEW CLIENT FORM.Most of our coaching work begins with a pre-assessment. Without this complete, you will not get the best results in our initial call. Once you complete the New Client Form, you will automatically be directed to the link where you can schedule your appointment.
I HEARD YOU HAVE A MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY. I DON'T SEE WHERE I CAN JOIN?Our membership community is only available to alumni of one of our coaching programs. Once you have successfully completed your first program you will receive information about where to get started.
DO I HAVE TO BE LICENSED AS A MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL TO WORK WITH YOU?We require that you are eligible to hang your shingle as a mental health practitioner in your state in order to work with us. Otherwise, you really wouldn’t benefit. We are mainly here to encourage entrepreneurship so you need to be qualified to independently deliver services as a mental health professional.
WHY DOES BEYOND THE COUCH REQUIRE THAT I AM MAKING $5K A MONTH IN MY BUSINESS TO START?5k is the benchmark when you have gained enough momentum in your business to show that your infrastructure is solid enough for future growth. Beyond the couch is about supporting established business owners scale beyond private practice by leveraging their expertise for other services. If you haven’t successfully established the first level of your business, you would be better off beginning with our 90 Day Sprint for private coaching or the Practice Pros small group coaching program.
HOW DO I KNOW THIS WILL WORK FOR ME?We find that our most successful clients are those that come with a positive attitude, ask questions and take swift action. Even if you make mistakes along the way, this is the perfect support to help you navigate those challenges. Being an enthusiastic participant in your own growth and development and being open to receiving feedback will help you to accelerate your results.
DO YOU OFFER GUIDED SUPPORT?The only courses we offer that are online only are our information products found HERE. These mini-courses are topic specific, not interactive and do not feature our private coaching support. Most of these self study courses are sold for under $100.
I’M A SEASONED PROFESSIONAL? DO I REALLY NEED COACHING?Although you’re experienced, you’re slammed with work. Are excited to discover alternative methods of doing what you love: offering ethical and quality mental health services to your clients and beyond? If the answer is yes, this is for you.
WHY IS COACHING SIX MONTHS?This program is hands-on, and completely personalized to your struggles, wins and experience. We help you craft offers in alignment with you. In six months, we’ll build the infrastructure to a five-year, long-term plan. Even Venus and Serena have a coach, and so should you, to optimize and push your business forward.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU ACCEPT ONE-ON-ONE STUDENTS?We accept one on one students on a rolling basis throughout the year. We encourage you to schedule a get acquainted call to determine what the current capacity is during the time you are interested in beginning.
WHY DOES BEYOND THE COUCH REQUIRE THAT I AM MAKING $5K A MONTH IN MY BUSINESS TO START?5k is the benchmark when you have gained enough momentum in your business to show that your infrastructure is solid enough for future growth. Beyond the couch is about supporting established business owners scale beyond private practice by leveraging their expertise for other services. If you haven’t successfully established the first level of your business, you would be better off beginning with our 90 Day Sprint for private coaching or the Practice Pros small group coaching program.
WHY ARE YOU RECORDING ALL OF OUR CALLS?It is important to me that you are fully present for the coaching session. If you are trying to take notes or remember something that was said your mind will be distracted. Also, folks are always asking me to repeat something…and the truth is I can’t! Once we have said something magical its best to have it recorded so you can go back for reference. Rest assured that for private coaching, no one will have access to your recorded calls but you and my team. For small group coaching, only paying members of Practice Pros will have access to recorded calls.

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